
Comparison Of Genesis 1 And The Creation Myth

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Creation myths, such as Genesis 1 and 2, exist to describe the creation of the creatures, environments, and overall existence through stories in religious texts. On top of this, they establish key aspects of the natural world through how the myth was written, and the relationship between the physical and spiritual world. When trying to understand this aspect, I’ve looked at Genesis 1 from the Bible and the creation myth of the Zoroastrian faith. Both of these myths serve as a cosmological explanations of the universe, while going about it in different ways that highlight differences such as the power of God/gods. In the Christian cosmological myth, Genesis 1, the creation of the world is expressed through God’s actions within 7 days. Each …show more content…

Within the time frame, God created; night and day, the sky and the sea, the land, space, sea creatures, land animals, and humans. Another common theme seen throughout the sections is that God saw each of His creations as good and blessed them. This showcases God’s intentions of creating a world filled with God, with each and every being and environment being predisposed to serve this purpose. “God created humankind in his image”, so they would be able to rule over the Earth he created and filled the world with goodness. With this creation myth, the concepts of goodness and morally pleasant actions in the eyes of God are encouraged to be emphasized through one’s lived experiences. Since God created each and every part of the Earth, the goodness described extends to all …show more content…

Who created the spiritual realm and the physical world, as well as spiritual beings and the first man and animal. After this, Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, came with the intention of destroying all that Ahura Mazda has created. Since he is as powerful as Ahura, he was able to create evil spiritual beings, and something evil to contrast every good thing that was created prior to this (he was only unable to create a totally evil opposite for humans). He also managed to harm the first human and animal, and while they were dying, they emitted seeds that created the first people and animals of the world. At this point, the Earth is the combination of good and bad that it is known as

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