
Comparison Of Grendal And Frankenstein's Monster

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When you hear the story about Grendal and Frankenstein’s monster you wouldn’t think that they have completely different stories while that is true in some ways they go through the same physical and mental harassment just because they are different. They react to their situations differently but none the less their stories have more in common than you think. Nether of the two know how they came to be but they try to make the best of a bad situation. Just because these two monsters were different from society there were neglected and treated as the ill of society. Neither of the two could go outside during day light for if they were seen by the village people they would be harassed and tormented. No matter what they did the village people would try to kill them with their weapons. This lead to depression and loneliness, which later turned into their need to kill people to feel a since of comfort and or pleasure. Both monsters have a little hiding spot that they go to get away from society and cope with their lonely thoughts. But sometimes they go …show more content…

Frankenstein’s monster is highly intelligent and he learns from watching the humans. He teaches himself how to talk and he even learns how to keep a fire going. And the monsters had some sort of empathy for his creator. The only reason the monster killed was to get the attention on his creator. While Grendal on the other hand grew up with a parent figure and from the day he was born all he wanted to do was kill. He killed for fun, it made him feel better about himself. Also, Grendal had no sort of intelligence and had no way of understanding the village people. He never once did one nice thing for the village people to see how they would take to it, unlike the monster who gathered firewood and cleared the snowy driveway for the little family. Grendal was naive and fell easily into Beowulf’s trap which lead to his

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