
Comparison Of Hinduism And Buddhism

Decent Essays

While Hinduism and Buddhism both come from India, there are some clear distinctions between them. Both religions focus on the path to enlightenment, however they attempt to achieve it in different ways. Hinduism expects only certain people to reach for Moksha, while Buddhism allows and encourages everyone to reach for Nirvana, their version of enlightenment. Hinduism also defines everyone into a caste and stifles some people’s potential successes later in life. On the other hand Buddhism allows anyone to try and release sorrow. You should study Buddhism because it is more inclusive and helps you achieve a better, less sorrowful life in the present, not several lives later. Hinduism prevents you from living in the moment, and doesn’t allow many people to reach for enlightenment. The stricter rituals were only accessible to higher castes and doesn’t give all people the opportunity to release sorrow and live happier in the present. Hinduism gives a set order for life and what one is supposed to do, and could be very constricting. The Bhagavad Gita shows this conformity in an extreme …show more content…

The carefully thought out eightfold path from Buddhism gives people simple steps to help them reach enlightenment while positively impacting their community. Opposing that, Hinduism only expects and encourages certain people to reach for enlightenment, making others wait several lifetimes. Buddhism not only is more open to all castes, it also is kind to women, and other religions. The suffocating castes of Hinduism and the focus on future lives, prevents people from living in the present and being the best person they can be today. The dharma makes Hindus are less likely to achieve their full potential because of being forced into a job, and not being able to follow your passion. Buddhism allows you to help yourself and encourage those around you right now, not lifetimes

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