
Comparison Of Jesus In The Lion, The Witch, And Thewardrobe

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two theives on the cross. While in the Bible the theives also die, Susan and Lucy do not go all the way with him to the execution. Also, they watch his painful torture and death.
In the Bible, the Romans taunt and beat Jesus before he is forced to carry the cross. In The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe, the White Witch's followers taunted him, bound him, and beat him before his execution (Lewis " The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe" 153-154). The difference between the two was that Jesus was never bound and Christ was nailed to a cross, not stabbed with a dagger. These differences are there so that Lewis can show that the execution was not Christian but pulled from other sacrificial religions.
When Jesus died on the cross, the devil assumed he had won Earth and that he could now take over unchallenge. The White Witch had a similar theme going through her head before she killed Aslan. Lewis wrote " Understand that you have given me Narnia forever, you have lost your own life and you have not saved his" ("The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe" 155). The White Witch assumed that since she was about to kill Aslan she would have Narnia all to herself and she would rule as she had previously. …show more content…

The sky turned dark and the people watching paniced. Lewis recreates this when Susan and Lucy "covered their eyes" when Aslan is executed ("The Lion, the Witch, and theWardrobe" 155). Just like God, they deeply cared about Aslan and his well-being, so his murder made them need to turn away, just for the fact they could not believe the White Witch's minions could be happy about this. Susan and Lucy had compassion for Aslan and they could not bear to see him murdered in such a horrid

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