
Comparison Of Lamb To The Slaughter And The Landlady

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Scary Moments?

Roald Dahl did not successfully present or create scary moments throughout the stories Lamb To The Slaughter and The LandLady because of the reader being able to see hints throughout the story on the future, no present adrenaline rush, and even though it was “creepy” that the wife acted normal even after she killed her husband, but many people that kill someone tries to hide it and to pretend that everything is still normal. The author Roald Dahl shows throughout the story about what’s going to happen by putting in words that may be in the title or repeating them over and over again. To show this in the story The LandLady it says, ““Now wait a minute,” he said. “Wait just a minute. Mulholland... Christopher Mulholland... wasn’t that the name of the Eton schoolboy who was on a walking-tour through the West Country, and then all of a sudden ...” “Milk?” she said. “And sugar?” This shows that she interrupted him. Throughout the story she interrupted him. It was as if she was hiding something. Lamb To The Slaughter repeated “We can have lamb… Everything is in the freezer.” As it continues on it says, “She went downstairs to the freezer and took hold of the first object she found. She lifted it out, and looked at it. It was wrapped in paper and looked at again --- a leg of lamb.” …show more content…

You didn’t need to actually think or be inside the story either. It may have been creepy when the old lady in The Landlady appeared in front of the door before he took his finger off the bell. In the text it said, “he hadn’t even had time to take his finger from the bell-button - the door swung open and a woman was standing there.” This showed yeah it was creepy, but how do you know what she was doing before hand, maybe she was just walking by the door and heard the bell or was near the window and saw him pushing the bell. Overall there was no scary or frightening things happening during this

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