
Comparison Of Sikhism In The Fullerton Gurdwara

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The phrase Sikh refers to “disciple” in Punjabi, or those who see themselves as disciples or followers of Akal Purakh, the ten Sikh Gurus, and the sacred scripture, the Adi Granth. Sikhs worship Sri Guru Nanak; Guru Nanak was born in 1469 to a higher caste merchant family in a village which is near modern day Lahore, Pakistan. At this time a lot of India was under the Muslim control including the Punjab. The story behind Guru Nanak is that he went to bathe in the Vein River and during this bath he completely disappeared. All of his family looked for him but he could not be found, but three days later he came out of the water and declared, “ There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim.” This statement plays a huge part in this religion because of the two opposing religions, Hinduism and Islam, surrounding Sikhism. Therefore, the ideology behind Sikhism is that there is one God for all religions and that as a Sikh you must follow the writings and teachings of the ten gurus. My goal for this research paper is to compare and contrast what I observed at the Fullerton Gurdwara to what the book, the lectures, and other educational resources say. In the following paragraphs I will discuss clothing etiquette, prayer, and modern Sikhism as observed in the Fullerton Gurdwara.
To start off, when first coming to a Gurdwara I was told to wear traditional clothing such as a shalwar kameez which consists of a long shirt called a kameez and wide, loose pants called a salwar and you must also bring

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