
Comparison Of The House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros

Decent Essays

The House On Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros is a story about a mexican american girl named Esperanza growing up in chicago. Esperanza’s life is similar to mine because we both have an interesting life. But our stories are different because she faces more issues in her life. Esperanza’s life is similar to my life in a few ways. For example, Esperanza says “But me and Nenny are more alike than you would know.” (Cisneros 2). This is similar to my life because me and my sister are kinda alike. “She lets me read her poems, I let her read mine.” (Cisneros 3). This is similar to my life because I read poems that my friends write and they read mine. “It wasn’t as if I didn’t want to work, I did, I needed money.” (Cisneros 15). This is similar to my life because I’m getting a job in the summer. That’s how my life and Esperanza's life are similar. Our lives are also different. …show more content…

This is different from my life because I don't have my great grandmothers name. “One day I’ll own my own house… Passing bums will ask, can I have come in? I’ll offer then the attic, ask them to stay.” (Cisneros 20). This is different from my life because when I get my house, I won’t allow bums into my home. “I am an ugly daughter.” (Cisneros 35). This is different from my life because I’m not an ugly daughter. That’s how my life is different from Esperanza’s

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