
Comparison Of The Neoclassical And Neoclassical Theory Of Criminology

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In this paper, I will compare as well as contrast classical theory to neoclassical theory.


The classical theory of criminology was developed during what is referred to as the Enlightenment period following the Middle Ages, spanning 1517 to roughly 1789 (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The neoclassical theory of criminology resulted as theorist called for modifications to the classical theories focus on free will as the determining factor for criminal actions. The neoclassical theory proposed the ideology of influential factors, including insanity as a mitigating circumstance to reduce the blameworthiness of an individual.

The Catholic Church primarily controlled society through the use of fear prior to the Enlightenment period (Bohm & Vogel, 2011). The Enlightenment period brought theorist forward who expressed deductive as well as inductive logic induced through reasoning. The classical theory expresses the fundamental ability of a human being to think rationally, meaning human behavior is a combination of free will with rational choice. In this theory it is thought, individual’s distinguish pleasure from pain to determine their actions, as mentioned in the works of Jeremy Bentham. The analysis of Jeremy Bentham cited a personal view of human behavior, the ability to rationally determine the amount of pleasure an individual may feel for committing the crime over the punishment they may endure if apprehended for the action. Prior to this ideology it was

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