
Complications Of Moral Developments In The Movie Theater Shooting

Decent Essays

What makes people do moral things? What makes people do immoral things? These are questions asked by so many people and it is simply because of one’s moral development. Moral developments are separated into three different theories. Each of the theories provides a different scenario for how a person is developed. To go along with this topic, we will see how these moral development theories relate to the shooting done by a man in Aurora, Colorado. Back in 2012, James Holmes decided to suit up and bring guns to a midnight showing of The Dark Knight at a theater. That day changed many lives and also left twelve people dead. After all was said and done, Holmes was charged with murder and received one life term for each person he killed (CNN) to make up for what he did. What was this thought process while going through this? One of the first moral developments that we have to consider is the biological factor. This includes three implications for moral development that are derived from the research of this area. Genetic influences on personality traits, sex differences, and frontal lobe development and injury play a roll in the biological factor of moral development (Pollock pg. 80). It is said that genetics play a big roll in one’s ethical decision making ability. Although mental illnesses are not always genetic but can be argued that it is inherited. Either way, the mental illness definitely played a roll in Holmes decision to go through with the movie theater shooting.

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