
Concussions In The Video 'Big Hits, Broken Dreams'

Decent Essays

In the video, Big Hits, Broken Dreams, the topic of concussions in football especially in high school football is brought up. An important point that is brought up is the protocol high school's should take when one of their players experiences brain trauma. The video suggests different ways to keep the player safe and prevent future concussions on the field.
Different question arise about how things are and how things should be. For example, should there always be an athletic trainer on the field at all times? In some high schools, a athletic trainer is not on the field during practices, but only games. By having an athletic trainer on the field, it can help prevent future trauma to the brain because they would know the signs of concussions. Another question that arises in the video is how can one tell if a player is ready to return to the field after a concussion? After experiencing a concussion, players would immediately return back to the field. Unfortunately when they return back to early, they experience more blows to the head causing a longer recovery. In the video, they recommend that the players to take a computerized test. …show more content…

In the video, it expresses how even though Greenville is known as the sport’s town, it will be difficult to find funds to support athletic trainers for high schools. Schools will have to make a choice to either buy a new vending machine or fund their football program. This action can only be seen benefiting the football program and not the whole school body as a whole. In addition, this protocol can put football player’s chance of receiving scholarships at risk. If they do not pass the computerized test they can sit out the whole season. This is detrimental to seniors who want to play in

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