
Confederation In 1865

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1. The first major reason of confederation was the threat of an American takeover. From 1861 to 1865, a Civil War occurred in America between Northern states fighting the Southern states. The issue was whether North and South should remain united or whether the South would separate. Canada became involved in the tension in 1864. A group of Southern soldiers raided the village of St Albans in Vermont, a Northern state. They robbed banks, set houses on fire, and then dashed across the border into Canada to escape. The Northern state saw this incident as evidence that Canada was hostile to the North cause. When North won the Civil War in 1865, Canadians really began to worry; they wondered whether North would now turn its armies on them. The …show more content…

This new organized commerce law is horrendous for us! We can no more make a benefit by exchanging with the Americans, and the greater part of our trench frameworks and flour plants are no more use to us! We have no benefit! We require assets from different states! Americans Here are some alternate points of view and responses of the new organized commerce law, expressing that Britain would permit merchandise from any nation without duty. The new unhindered commerce law is incredible for us! We can now openly exchange with Great Britain for no assessment, and make a considerably more prominent benefit! Presently we can put resources into more channel frameworks and flour factories to make a fortune! English North American Colonies Great …show more content…

This new organized commerce law is horrendous for us! We can no more make a benefit by exchanging with the Americans, and the greater part of our trench frameworks and flour plants are no more use to us! We have no benefit! We require assets from different states! Americans Here are some alternate points of view and responses of the new organized commerce law, expressing that Britain would permit merchandise from any nation without duty. The new unhindered commerce law is incredible for us! We can now openly exchange with Great Britain for no assessment, and make a considerably more prominent benefit! Presently we can put resources into more channel frameworks and flour factories to make a fortune! English North American Colonies Great

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