
Essay on Confessions

Decent Essays

Saint Augustine’s book Confessions talks about how increasing your knowledge through reading leads you through a “conversion” in which you begin to recall things and their relevance through memory. Socrates stresses the concept of increasing knowledge as a way to grow. Socrates also was the one who wanted to have a “field day” teaching Saint Augustine. Saint Augustine uses his life to display to us the way one’s quest for God should be like. He believed that one must begin their journey by first reading about God through books such as the Bible. Once one believes in God, they will have gone through a conversion in which their memory allows them to remember their readings on God and apply them in their lives. We will be analyzing the …show more content…

31). He clearly states that reading the book converted his belief. After going through conversion Saint Augustine believes that your memory begins to recall the relevance of things. He describes memory as “The vast cave of memory, with its numerous and mysterious recesses, receives all these things and stores them up, to be recalled and brought forth when required.”(10.8.13 p154). He uses this description of memory because as one is reading one does not try remembering everything, but once one is converted everything that is in their memory starts to make sense and becomes relevant.
The concept of reading conversion and memory apply to God. It describes the quest in finding God. One first reads about God and tries to understand him. After you have had some time to let what you read sink in to your memory, your memory begins to recall the readings and you understand the importance and relevance of what you read. It is because of your memories that you undergo a conversion. Saint Augustine uses reading and memory to lead to a conversion in his life from not believing in God to becoming a Christian. Saint Augustine confesses to God the following “Have mercy on me; heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee” not to abuse thy

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