
Conflict Repeats Itself

Decent Essays

Teachers gathering up to protest against the Kent School District that then creates a strike. School days are getting canceled and a major issue arises. Conflicts are happening everywhere in the world, and most of them are things that happen over and over again, therefore history does repeat itself in regards to conflict. Different rulers (or people) from different time periods may have the same reasoning and opinions so they handle conflicts the same way, same types of conflicts which involve country fighting a country happen all across the world no matter the time period and people all over the world have went against the government. All of these things support why history does repeat itself when talking about conflict. First off, similar types of conflicts happen across the world against different countries. In the Newsela article "Talks are tense as Biden meets Chinese leaders in Beijing amid dispute" we learned about the war between China and Japan, their disagreement over the ownership of the islands in the East China Sea. Then in this article "Ukraine crisis: Putin signs Russia-Crimea treaty" it shows part of the issue between Ukraine and Russia fighting over Crimea. Here you can see two similar conflicts between two different countries fighting over one piece of land that isn’t officially under the ownership of one county. The conflicted countries both claim that that land that they are fighting for is theirs. This type of conflict happens thought the course of

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