
Conformity Speech Essay

Decent Essays

Remember those times in class when the teacher has asked a question and the answer in mind is surely correct, yet when you look around the majority have chosen an option completely opposite? What about the time your friends pressured you into stealing that shirt or CD or involving in mocking little Johnny because he was a ‘geek’? At the time there was no problems. As a part of the group you felt confident, secure and “like so cool”.

But when you found that your answer was actually the correct one or were caught with the items in your bag or punished for taunting Little Johnny, do you remember your cowardice reason for acting as you did? The vast majority of people will recall saying, “Everybody is doing it” – a sentence that is one …show more content…

The main reason being the guarantee that you will never be left alone. It is so often that people commit sinister acts, then when accused, they sheepishly retreat into the numbers of those involved. It is this unquestionable human fear and weakness of solitude that drives people to shelter in the shadows of conformity. Another is to avoid conflict or tension with others, especially if the person or party is with high authority as they also have the ability to punish. On many occasions has there been disagreements to certain rules or policies, yet conformity has pressured them into being unquestioned and just accepted.

Conformity is continually demonstrated and seen, especially amongst adolescents. For example amongst this audience. I’m not sure that everyone was listening to me speak or even still awake for that matter. However, once I stop talking, someone will initiate applause and the rest will follow. If I asked all of you individually what the speech was about could my questions be answered? Most unlikely. Then why were you applauding? Probably not because of the quality of the speech but because it is just the ‘norm’ to applause on conclusion (or possibly just a sign of relief that its over *smirk*).

It is true that this decision to go against social conduct brings about certain hardships however it also has one obvious advantage. That is people are able are able to see you for the first time.

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