
Confront Culture: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

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We formed a group as an academic project-Confront Culture-Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. The objective of this project is to demonstrate cultural foods and gain understanding in various cultures as a viewpoint from an Anthropologist. The examination of foods is not just about food. It is bringing together several methods of a culture such as rituals, traditions and purpose as it relates to foods. The type of foods chosen in different cultures provides Anthropologist background knowledge of a culture, changes over a period of time, characteristics and devotion of in relation to an individual or a group in society. Anthropology is the study and the relativity of human mankind. There are four important fields in Anthropology (MCDowell, 2007)
Cultural Anthropology: The comparative study of cultures around the world
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Cultural Anthropology is the culture change and difference in society. The idea of Cultural Anthropology is to understand cultural traits, language, environment, and historical background. Some aspects of Cultural Anthropology include foods relationships, actions taken, insight, style and approach on how humans were able to live or exist (also known as adaptive mechanism). (O’Neil, 2002-2012). Through research studies, Anthropologist are able to establish a better perspective of society as a

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