
Congo 's Political And Economic Structure Of A Country

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A third world country does not necessarily mean a country that is primitive, underdeveloped or poor as many people think. Personally, I interpret the term as the political and economic structure of a country. Because if a country’s governing is poor, nothing works for the citizens. Some countries are listed among the third world countries, yet they are rich. Congo for example, has minerals like gold, (3’Ts) tin, tantalum, tungsten; these are minerals that power our computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices. In my opinion, Congo should not be considered a third world country because it has what other nations use and get rich. Congo’s minerals are doing more harm than good because it keeps bringing conflict that disorganizes the nation. Congo’s mineral wealth should be a source of prosperity and stability of Congolese people not the source of exportation and violence. Congo‘s vast natural resources have been the reason to all of the conflict throughout Congo’s tortured history. Congo’s government structure is so disorganized that the minerals causes’ conflict that ends in violence. As a result, it has become a center of the war and violence. Women became victims of the war by being raped as a weapon to intimidate and gain control of the local population that live near by the mines. I have been to Congo several times, but it’s difficult to get transportation. Instead of using its natural resources to develop by building roads, hospitals, clean drinking water and

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