
Connell's Argumentative Analysis

Decent Essays

In 2011, Jennifer Connell was attending her nephew, Sean, 8th birthday party, Connell walks into the backyard and upon seeing his aunt, Sean runs and jumps to hug her. Causing Connell to fall backwards landing on the ground and breaking her wrist in the process. Instead of doing something rash, like, accepting he is eight and it was an accident since the laws of physics are not clear to him yet, she did the rational thing. She filed a lawsuit - against the nephew. She claimed that the nephew had been "careless" and wanted $127,000 for emotional suffering and medical bills. In her claim she stated that she had recently attended a party and her inability to hold her "hors d'oeuvres plate was distressing and embarrassing. Deliberation lasted a mere twenty minutes. The jury awarded Jennifer Connell nothing.

2009 a woman in Detroit was bitten on her ass by a police K9 dog during an open house event. Even though the department and city offered to cover medical fees, she wanted to sue. So, she filed a claim - against the dog. In case you don't know, dogs, even police dogs, don't get paid. They're dogs. Not only was the …show more content…

He filed suit claiming that Anheuser Busch's advertisements of far-off tropical lands where average men were surrounded by bikini models who were actually attracted to said men because those guys drank Budweiser. So, when Overton had drank all the Bud he could he noticed something. He was still in his garage, not a tropical local and, not surprisingly, not a model in sight.

He filed suit against the beer giant claiming that their advertisements of men and beautiful women "engaged in endless and unrestricted merriment" turned out to be untrue and caused him not only emotion distress and mental injury (I'm not sold that Anheuser had anything to do with that one.) but also financial loss. The case was

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