
Consciousness Of Consciousness In Samuel Taylor Coleridge's The Eolian Harp

Decent Essays

Some may argue different types of consciousness that Samuel Taylor Coleridge may have displayed in his poem “The Eolian Harp.” However, many people may believe that in stanza three of the poem, he was sleeping. Coleridge’s consciousness of sleep may have inspired a fantasy of the way he perceives the beauty of nature and the sweet music it plays through the eolian harp. Breaking Coleridge’s poem into segments helps to understand the true beauty of nature and his consciousness, he was trying to show his readers. As Coleridge begins to write stanza three of the poem he states, “And thus, my love! As on the midway slope” (Coleridge 440). Basically, Coleridge is saying in the first part of stanza three, that he is taking in the beautiful scenery of the midway slope of the hill that he sees while trying to relax.
As Coleridge presses on with the poem he begins to open up, not only to the beauty of nature, but his consciousness that begins to unveil Coleridge’s state of mind. Coleridge himself writes, “Of yonder hill I stretch my limbs at noon” (Coleridge 440). Therefore, Coleridge is explaining what he is doing while looking at the beautiful hill. This part of the stanza may indicate that Coleridge is about to take a nap or relaxing around noon time.
When Coleridge begins to dig deeper into stanza three, he may start to indicate to his readers the consciousness of him sleeping. Coleridge states, “Whilst through my half-closed eye-lids I behold” (Coleridge 440). In other

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