
Consequences Of Laziness In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

Consequences of Laziness A content society will never exist when laziness is a characteristic of all people. If suicide attempts are a daily and common occurrence, something must be done. In Fahrenheit 451, the solution to anything that makes people uncomfortable, is to burn it. Destroying whatever it is makes it impossible to have controversy. Beatty, the captain of the firehouse, says, “If you don’t want a house built, hide the nails and wood. Let him forget there is such a thing as war.” (Bradbury 58). In this society, things are made simple so that no one is ever uncomfortable. When a society makes books, creativity, passion, and many other crucial parts to a natural life illegal, the people aren’t given what they really need in life. Bradbury fears the consequences of this way of life. How can someone be there own person while at the same time, not be able to form their own opinions? Bradbury expresses his fear of American culture being lazy intellectually, striving for power, and in maintaining relationships. Knowledge is power. Granger and Faber do not need authority to feel empowered, their knowledge is enough . Beatty on the other hand, seeks power in ways of authority. He is not willing to surrender power at any cost. Even when Montag points a gun at his face he says, “Go ahead now, you second-hand litterateur, pull the trigger.” (Bradbury 113). He shows no concern that he may or may not get shot within moments. All thinking is done for society. “Hard work” is foreign to them. Montag’s wife Mildred has one job; agree. The very last things she does every night is not kissing her husband, but falling asleep with seashells in her ears. There is no time to decompress, think about the day, or learn from mistakes made. Taking away that crucial time is hurting society enough, but completely eliminating books is absurd. Bradbury fears that American culture will no longer think for themselves and that their brains will never surpass a certain level of knowledge. There is no desire to learn, think out of the box, or create new ideas. In fact, anyone who attempts any of these actions is thought to be a glitch in the system. Beatty says, “Queer ones like her don’t happen often. We know how to nip them in the

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