
Consequences Of Marriage And Wedding Scenes In The Deer Hunter

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One of several 1978 films dealing with the Vietnam War is The Deer Hunters an old movie which the audience can notice at the beginning. The two principal events are the wedding and the deer hunt, this movie opens with an Italian celebration wedding, which is very unusual for today’s wedding. They have distinct cultures and it is very emotive. The wedding reception celebrates both marriage and enlistment. The reception takes place in a Veteran's Hall, enlistment overwhelms the wedding in ultimate significance, and the principal females (e.g., Linda) are clearly at the mercy of males. When the deer hunt replaces the wedding, the domination of female by the male, love by war, is complete. In the wedding scene, the director plays a long scene, even overlong, which in today's cinema would be edited significantly to get to the "action." But this long sequence sets the scene by introducing the characters and showing us in their natural habitat. Without this, we would not know them or care for them as much. The second even is the hunter, As the hunt takes over, human relations become more and more dissociative. Not only do the hunters leave women behind, they split from the community of Clairton. It was a scene where after the wedding. Michael, Nick Stanley, and two more friends were discussing why Stanly never comes prepare and they are making fun of him and comparing his actions to John Wayne because he always comes out with a little gun. This scene shows a Michael very strict.

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