
Consequences Of The French Revolution

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For 10 years, the French Revolution impacted Europe politically and socially. Historical figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte and King Louis XVI led this war. Throughout the French Revolution (1789-1799), many things, such as the government, were constantly changing. Poverty encompassed France, this as well as other factors ultimately led to the French Revolution. Incompetent rulers, social commands, the aristocracy, financial issues, and Enlightenment provoked and caused the French Revolution. The French Revolution was successful due to the making of France's new constitution and new social rights for people due to Enlightenment ideas.
France's new constitution brought political change, and new social rights brought social justice. During the French Revolution, "Members of the new Assembly swore not to disband until they had provided France with a new constitution" (p.788). Therefore, the French Revolution brought political change through gaining a fair government by the constitution. Before, the government was controlled by the monarchy who limited the political rights of most people. Thereupon, this political change brought new constitutional rights and a democracy. The French Revolution brought new social rights, such as the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen" (p. 789). Similarly, "They granted increased rights to women by permitting them to inherit property and divorce their husbands" (p. 790). Furthermore, these new social rights brought more freedom to

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