
Essay on Consequences of Love and Hate Explored in Romeo and Juliet

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Written by the substantially renowned English poet, and playwright, William Shakespeare, the play Romeo and Juliet is written in a poetic disquisition that distinguishes many timeless themes. These themes transcend the boundaries of this perennial classic into the foundation of many prevailing modern-day literary workings. Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in the late fifteen hundreds in the riveting city of Verona, Italy, where it has since been revered as one of the most preeminent and recognized play’s in history. Romeo and Juliet explores the extents of human emotion and its enduring ability to extend beyond the boundaries, as it portrays an engrossing reflection on the consequences of unrelenting animosity, and how far love will …show more content…

The same idea is interminable in, such as the musical and film, West Side Story, which has acclimated a very similar story line to Romeo and Juliet, though instead of being based within the renaissance period, it is a modern version set in New York City and uses two gangs (the Shark’s and the Jet’s) in place for the Montague’s, and Capulet’s. Some other examples that embody this timeless theme is the major motion picture and highly popularized novel, The Notebook (2004) which adapted a very similar plot to Romeo and Juliet, that really substantiates how timeless this theme is. As well as the novel, Wuthering Heights, another incessant classic by Emily Bronte, though a more dated example this novel exemplifies that love is a considerably persistent theme because in both of these stories, love evolves throughout the plot and both come to a pivotal ending however adverse to each other, love surpasses all limits and this continues to be allotted a timeless theme. These are just a few of the many literary workings, and films that have correspondence with this denouement in Romeo and Juliet. Tragedy and hate is another primitive theme bestowed in Shakespeare’s, Romeo and Juliet. The play portrays that sometimes love breeds hate, as Romeo excerpts in this quote, —O me! What fray was here? Yet tell me not, for I have heard it all. Here’s much to do with hate but

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