
Constructed Treatment Wetland Treatment Wetlands Essay

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Constructed Treatment Wetlands Below is some valuable information that we believe you should know about constructed treatment wetlands (CTWs). This will include the value of CTWs, how they work, the different types of CTWs, and some examples of CTWs in use today.

Value of Constructed Treatment Wetlands Engineers and scientist have designed constructed treatment wetlands for the sole purpose of improving water quality that was polluted from point and nonpoint sources of water pollution. Including storm water runoff, domestic wastewater, agricultural wastewater, and mine drainage. They’re many benefits for CTWs that you should know about. Natural wetlands are some of the most biologically diverse and productive natural ecosystems in the world, therefore most CTWs can provide the same benefits that natural ones provide. First, CTWs are generally less expensive compared to traditional wastewater treatment options. This is an important detail because CTWs can cut the cost of water treatment over time by a large amount due to low maintenance cost. In addition to cutting cost, CTWs are self sufficient, with proper construction/maintenance. If a large storm comes in or unexpected level of wastewater is experienced, a CTW would be able to handle the extra load with little problem if constructed correctly, while traditional water treatment options can have a negative impact due to excess wastewater. Another benefit of CTWs is the ability to reduce or completely eliminate odors

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