
Constructionism And Intersectionality

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From a social constructionism perspective, the meanings and definitions of race are created through categorizing groups of people from a cultural context.

As stated by Bowleg (2012), “the term women and minorities are ubiquitously wedded in public health discourse, policy and research” which fails to consider the intersection of these two categories whereas a woman can be both a minority as well as a female. By combining two aspects that each experience discrimination and oppression in their own rights individuals which share 1 or more are often marginalized further. The term intersectionality refers to the concept of acknowledging multiple aspects of individuals identities that may overlap or intersect. Gender, race, sexuality and class are all mutually exclusive aspects of humanity which can be categorized into groups; membership to one or more of these groups can intersect within the same individual. For example, a high income, homosexual, Hispanic male describes his intersectionality.

Bowleg (2012) discusses the need to further define intersectionality in terms …show more content…

According to Mattsson (2014), in social work’s effort to challenge oppression and inequality, intersectionality has been found to be a useful tool for critical reflection. Critical reflection focuses on a specific event or situation analytically considering the feelings thoughts and actions involved in a way that alternative ways of understanding “social problems, the client, the social workers’ positions and client interactions” present themselves. Social workers using an intersectionality approach combine a knowledge base of social structures affecting individuals’ psychosocial environment and emphasizing factors such as gender, race, sexuality and

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