
Contrast And Message In J. B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

Satisfactory Essays

An Inspector call analytical essay

This essay will be about the play ''An Inspector calls,'' the play shows a story set in 1912 before World War 1. The play was made to show people the society in those times. The play takes place on a single night in april 1912. People might have seen this play as a story of death, guilt, responsibility, reassurance, celebration and shame, also as a scandalous story. however the story has some contrasts and messages that the audience might not know or believe. This essay will show the contrasts and messages of the play and prove that the goal of this play was to suggest change in society at that time.

The play "An Inspector calls" Sheila and Gerald are getting engaged and are celebrating at a dinner table. The Birlings and the Crofts are celebrating their engagement, however Mrs and Mr Croft are …show more content…

This play was produced to show the people that mistake in their part. The play starts showing these mistakes when mr Birling's found out that Eva smith a worker that he just fired committed suicide, in those times the upper class can just do whatever they wanted to the lower class. Eva Smith was the ringleader of a strike for higher wages but after three weeks they all came back and Eva was fired. Mr Birling's knew what it was hard to find a job especially for women but the rich never cared about the poor. another time the privileged took advantage of the poor was when Eric forced himself on Eva even though he knew she didn't want to. The poor don't have much writes during these times since Shiela got her fired because she angry that Eva giggled at the way she looked. Sheila could do this because she is in a higher class the Eva. Class distinctions also affect relationships, Eric Birling got Eva pregnant and suggested that they should get married, however Eva declined because they were of different

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