
Controversial Topic of Same-Sex Marriage

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On March 15, 2013, the Congressional Quarterly Researcher (CQR) issued a report covering the issue of gay marriage. In their article, Gay Marriage, the CQR discusses the controversy of curbs on same-sex marriage, as well as if the Supreme Court will end these curbs. Within this larger controversy of same-sex marriage, the CQR points out four issues dealing with the topic at hand. The first issue questions whether the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) improperly denies federal benefits to same sex couples. Another issue covered in the report is if California voters violated the Constitution by passing Proposition 8. A further topic at hand is if legalizing same-sex marriage would hurt traditional marriage. The last issue is if the Supreme Court should recognize a constitutional right for same-sex couples to marry. In the history of the controversy, many events and developments led to where the situation is today. For example, in 1993, the Supreme Court in Hawaii questioned the ban on same-sex marriage, causing a nationwide debate. This was the beginning of debating the rights of same-sex couples. Before 1993, no state Supreme Court had ever outwardly doubted the ban on same-sex marriage. Then on September 21, 1996, the Federal Defense of Marriage Act was signed and put into law. This law requires that the federal government does not treat married same-sex couples the same as married opposite-sex couples. Same-sex couple benefits of marriage were limited compared to their

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