
Conversion Therapy Research Paper

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When it comes to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) related issues, those with homophobic tendencies seem to have plenty to say. Their negative comments towards LGBT folk have unfortunately led to the untimely deaths of hundreds within the community. Coercive messages from social media, friends, or family members have also pushed many others to try conversion therapy. Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy, is the process of undergoing treatment in order to convert lesbian, gay, and bisexual people to heterosexuality and transgender (trans) people to the gender they were assigned at birth (Grisham). By banning conversion therapy, the government would stop this inhumane treatment, prevent significant psychological damage, …show more content…

Despite the fact that the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder on December 15, 1973, many therapists continue to practice conversion therapy with the aim of “curing” those in the LGBT community (Burroway). Their efforts to cure something that is not a disorder has lead to the development of actual mental disorders – depression, anxiety, and even PTSD – in patients (Glassgold et al.). In 1969, John Bancroft, M.D., conducted a study on conversion therapy using sixteen gay men, which led to mainly negative outcomes. Of the sixteen men, 10% developed suicidal ideation, 20% developed anxiety, and 40% developed depression (Bancroft). Bancroft also reported that conversion therapy had harmful effects on 50% of the participants involved in the study. While that study may be over forty years old, the data collected remains relevant. A 2013 survey given to those who have undergone conversion therapy revealed that more than 90% of the surveyees felt emotional harm during therapy, and more than 80% continue to endure that emotional harm (Shapiro). Gay author Jallen Rix conducted the survey and had this to say about its results, “If anything, the research shows that no one changed.” In a way, Rix is …show more content…

Instead of performing conversion therapy, therapists should help those in the LGBT community overcome struggles they have with their sexuality or gender identity. Humane treatments should be used, mental health should improve rather than decline, and trans folk should be told that it is okay to not identify as the gender they were born as. Communities should also offer their support and acceptance in order to prevent the perpetuation of inhumane treatments, psychological damage, and gender stereotypes associated with conversion therapy. Fortunately, four states – Oregon, California, Illinois, and New Jersey – and the District of Columbia have banned conversion therapy for minors (Bellware). That may seem like a small step, but any step forward is a step in the right

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