
Cookie By Eudora Welty: A Narrative Fiction

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She sat on the couch watching PBS and indulging in succulent grapes. Flickering across the screen, was an aardvark and his best friend, a bunny, named Buster; some may recognize this description of the amazing show called Arthur and you are the fortunate who have seen it. She was waiting for him to arrive home just like every other night. Her mom was in the kitchen and the smell of chocolate chip cookies wafted from the open kitchen. Where was he?, she wondered, growing impatient like all eight year olds do. Soon car lights broke the darkness of the night and the dog collar was heard running towards the door. He walked in. Her dad always worked late, but when he was finally home, she ran to the man dressed in business attire and was lifted …show more content…

Dad smelled of lavender, starch, ironing spray. She missed this smell eight years later which unknowingly became a smell of comfort to her. However, this story isn't about her dad coming home late and missing the little moments. It is the story of him finally being there to make the moment come alive. It was one of those hot, muggy, storm brewing days of summer when the three Fowler kids decided to make a slip and slide down the non-existent slope in the yard. Frolicking feet were pattering in and out of the house asking Mom various questions of: “Where is a tarp?” or “Is there a longer hose anywhere?” or even “Can we take this bottle of soap?” Mom grew impatient with the questions and ended up finding everything they asked …show more content…

She hadn't even thought of it until her English 10 teacher inflicted this short story upon her last week. As the evening cascaded around the Fowler Five, her night in the dorm room began, asleep in bed. Once everyone was dried off and free of apple flavored soap they decided to take a drive. Her mom had been bequeathed a 1953 cadillac from her grandfather and on special occasions they took it out for a spin. They called it the Cadzilla. Dad drove, Mom played front-seat driver, and the three cherubs remained in the backseat. They were covered with a blanket which shielded them from the coolness the dappled sunlight offered. The curvy back roads greeted Hope with stomachaches, DJ with impatience, and provided her with the desire to wish time away. As she slept she dreamt of these rides vividly. The leather, musty smell going along perfectly with the smells of newly trimmed grass or the smells the dampened earth emitted. The blanket covering three cherubs, who were thinking of any frivolous idea one may be able to fathom. Three cherubs who weren't thankful for those precious times in the car and who weren't nearly thankful enough of the people in the car, this would come within

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