
Copland's Musical Education

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Travels to Italy, Austria, and Germany rounded out Copland's musical education. During his stay in Paris, Copland began writing musical critiques, the first on Gabriel Fauré, which helped spread his fame and stature in the music community.

1925 to 1935[edit]

Copland returned to America optimistic and enthusiastic about the future, determined to make his way as a full-time composer.[41] He rented a studio apartment He remained in that area for the next thirty years Copland lived frugally and survived financially with help from two $2,500 Guggenheim Fellowships in 1925 and 1926.[42] Lecture-recitals, awards, appointments, and small commissions, plus some teaching, writing, and personal loans kept him afloat in the subsequent years through World War II.

1935 …show more content…

He was also generous with his time with nearly every American young composer he met during his life, later earning the title, "Dean of American Music."[56]

With the knowledge he had gained from his studies in Paris, Copland came into demand as a lecturer and writer on contemporary European classical music.[57] From 1927 to 1930 and 1935 to 1938, he taught classes at The New School of Social Research in New York City.[57] Copland also wrote regularly for The New York

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