
Coral Growth

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As mentioned several times above, coral growth is the key to a formation of any type of reef. Free-swimming coral larvae find homes on submerged rocks or stable surfaces nearby the edges of land. Colonies of coral form as calcium carbonate skeletons accumulate and begin to be bounded by surrounding corals. The polyps continues to secrete calcareous skeletons that form protective structures they will reside in. The protective structure is like a sort of cup the polyp sits under, and new hard skeletons grow/forms as the coral polyp lifts and releases new calcium carbonate framework. Coral reproduces asexually, the polyp buds and new, genetically identical coral polyps develop. The cycle continues and the coral spreads over a relatively short period of time. The first formation of coral begins a platform for other new coral to settle and form. These skeletons make up a majority of the reefs framework, however these are other small organisms that contribute to the formation. Fire corals, which are more closely related to hydrozoans than actual corals, also deposit large amounts of calcium carbonate that add to the construction. Calcareous algae that live on the actual coral, begin to deposit calcium carbonate within their tissue. As they die …show more content…

They are by far the most numerous and diverse. Fish are critical to the health of a coral reef. The physical structure of a coral reef is very different from that of the surrounding open ocean. Therefore, fish that reside in these reefs must have evolved many specialized traits that allow them to flourish in that environment. Reef fish bodies differ in many ways from most other fishes. These animals dwell on coral reefs and therefore have evolved thin, flat bodies that can easily be maneuvered to make the necessary sharp turns. Furthermore, the pectoral and pelvic fins positioning enhances the functionality of the pancake-like

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