
Coral Reef Impact

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According to NOAA a coral reef is “a ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral.” Stony coral polyps secrete a calcium carbonate skeleton that over many years builds up to create the foundation which all coral lives on. These limestone remains are the building blocks for coral colonies supporting millions of polyps which can weigh several tons. Having said that, coral reefs grow very slowly about 0.5cm-2cm per year, meaning that all damage and death coral colonies experience will take a long time to repair. (NOAA 2)

Humans tendency to live near the ocean can have substantial negative consequences on the reef. Water quality decreases due to sewage leakage, agricultural run-off and other types of groundwater pollution. …show more content…

The coral reef task force is in charge of protecting and mapping coral reefs. NOAA works through the coral reef conservation program to partner with scientific, private, government, and nongovernmental organizations that all help towards the main goal, conserving coral reefs. The coral reef early warning system is one way NOAA monitors reefs, it collects data on water temperature, pollution levels, salinity etc. to see what effect these factors might have on coral health. A multitude of government agencies are working to help coral reefs, notwithstanding there are other ways to help coral reefs on a smaller scale.(NOAA …show more content…

Disposing trash properly ensures it won’t end up in the ocean, volunteering to help clean up a beach, some of the more simple, easy and effective ways to help reefs. claims fertilizer run-off is one of the main problems coral reefs face. The easy solution to this is to only use organic and environmentally friendly soap and fertilizer so whatever does end up in the ocean doesn't have to hurt it. The many difficulties reefs face can be easily solved if more people were educated about the importance of coral reefs. (

Coral Reefs are both biological diverse, an important economic resource. They protect shorelines as well as our island economy by gathering revenue through both the tourist and fishing industry. Reefs provide homes for more creatures than any other marine environment. Many people have jobs based around coral reefs such as fishermen, divers, restaurants and many others. Coral reefs are an investment everyone has a share in and one that should be better

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