
Core Values Of Social Work

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Values Comparison Paper:
Exploring the Core Values of Social Work
“Never get tired of doing little things for others, sometimes those little things occupy the biggest part of their hearts.” - Unknown. There are six main core values for the field of social work. These values are; (1) Service, (2) Social Justice, (3) Dignity and Worth of Person, (4) Competence, (5) Integrity, and (6) Importance of Human Relationships. I found that I agree with all six of the core values, not one of these are different from my own beliefs.
First, I’ll address the value of Service. A social worker is expected to serve others to the best of their ability and put them above their self. They should offer their knowledge to help the client and find the way to best serve them. As a social worker, one should want to volunteer and help out without any expectation of compensation or getting anything in return. I have always felt a strong calling to provide help and care for those who are in need. I have done this before in my own community, working closely with my local center to help homeowners with repairs to their house, such as; painting, roofing, cleaning, etc. When needed, I have also packed boxes of food, sorted through donations, delivered meals to shut-ins, and worked in a secondhand clothing distribution center. I enjoy using my time to help someone else out.
The second value of the social work profession is Social Justice. A social worker must be an advocate, they should challenge a system

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