
Cornelius Vanderbilt : Reaped The Benefits Of Classical Liberalism

Decent Essays

Classical liberalism was a very popular subject during the time of Cornelius Vanderbilt. The source shows the mansion he was able to afford due to the fortune he gained in the shipping and railroad industries. The caption explains the house being worth around $160 billion in today’s dollars. There is no doubt that Vanderbilt reaped the benefits of classical liberalism in his time. Vanderbilt would likely argue that he deserved everything, because unlike the way the feudal system was set up, he worked for the money that he got. Vanderbilt would likely have a more right wing ideology, and have strong opinions regarding the benefits of classical liberalism, as he was able to see the best of it. People who would agree with the idea of classical liberalism would likely argue that Vanderbilt worked for the money he deserves, and should not have to give up his riches for people who have not worked as hard as he has. In today’s terms, Vanderbilt would have likely been seen as a conservative, believing in little government control over economics. A person like Robert Owen would likely be unhappy with the way Cornelius Vanderbilt ran his business, as he believed in the idea of factory owners giving up some of their riches in order for the workers to gain a richer quality of life. Vanderbilt is one of the few people who reaped the rewards of classical liberalism, so it would be no surprise for him to want to have a free market in place. Classical liberalism allowed the rich to become

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