
Corporate Social Responsibility : Csr

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Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, is becoming increasingly important in the framework of modern businesses. Many companies do not place an emphasis on CSR because they are unaware of the range of benefits it can bring. Throughout this essay I will discuss the importance of corporate social responsibility by assessing the rewards that certain avenues of CSR conduct can bring to companies and how lacklustre attempts to do so can reflect poorly on the CSR field as a whole, resorting to questioning of its value. Firstly I will look at CSR from a corporate level, discussing international modelling and experience. This will be followed by assessing CSR from a managerial or operational standpoint covering the perspectives of managers and employees finishing with consumer perceptions and stakeholder vs. shareholder views.. CSR is a highly controversial topic due to disagreements surrounding the field. Werther and Chandler (2014) defines CSR as ‘… the relationship between corporations and the societies with which they interact… includes the responsibilities that are inherent on both sides of these relationships”. The framework behind CSR tends to be broad with the ideas surrounding its importance changing from business to business. On a basic level, a corporation’s goal is to maximise profits. The role of technology and globalisation in today’s society means that, a company’s relationship with society is essential in projecting a positive image (Werther and Chandler, 2014).

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