
Correctional Officer Research Paper

Decent Essays

I began working for Georgia Department of Corrections as a correctional officer in January of 1999 and decided to retire in January 1, 2017. Making the decision to retire and return back to college was quite frightening. However, it was one of the best decisions, I ever made. Being a correctional officer for nearly 20 years has taught me many life skills that I am now able to apply in every area of my life. As a correctional officer, you are taught the importance of punctuality and proper time management. Also, having a high level of moral standards is equally significant. Possessing these life skills will definitely help me on my road to becoming a successful college student.
Punctuality and proper time management are extremely vital …show more content…

In the world of corrections assuming your post on time, making rounds, logging entries in the logbooks, and completion of specialized assignments is all time sensitive. As a correctional officer, we are taught that punctuality shows that you are dedicated to the job, responsible, and dependable. It also shows your level of commitment and professionalism, which is very important. Time management is also critical. Time management is simply self-management lead by self-awareness. Proper time management allows you to complete multiply tasks in a specified time frame. It also shows that you are driven and motivated, which are the basic skills of leadership. Just as in college, punctuality and time management are essential to success and achievement. Being punctual to class proves that you are respectful, excited about learning, and that you value the time spent with your professors and classmates. Furthermore, being on time to class …show more content…

In corrections, it is pivotal to possess the honesty and integrity traits. Correctional officers must be sensitive to the ethical issues that we may encounter each day. Every day correctional officers are faced with many situations in which we must make quick crucial decisions that can affect a multitude of people. The decisions we make will affect ourselves, our families, our co-workers, inmates, the public, and the department. That is why it’s important to be as truthful as possible at all times and to operate with the highest level of integrity. Making the wrong decision in corrections and in college can be life changing. High moral standards such as honesty and integrity are important traits to have in your academic life as well. Displaying honest and integrity help builds a healthy relationship between students, student peers, and professors. Also, possessing these traits will keep students from cheating, plagiarism, deception, or committing any other unethical academic act. In both the professional and academic environment, it is very important that I continue to implement honesty and integrity, in order to be the best student and over all person I can

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