
Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, characters are depicted as corrupt human beings influenced by their own personal agendas. With an indistinguishable line between right and wrong, they remain unaware of the consequences that follow their actions. Daisy Buchanan is portrayed as the “golden girl” of her time. She is the woman every man wants to call their own, although they only focus on her superficial features rather than personal qualities. Throughout the novel, her true self begins to unfold, displaying how she misleads others to protect her social stature and reputation. Daisy’s submissive nature continuously hurts the people she cares about by allowing her to engage in dishonest activities. Daisy displays a distorted mentality towards women by stating that being ignorant, in a sense, is the only way a girl can maintain her social status. She also tells Nick Carraway, her cousin, that she is glad Pammy, her daughter, is a girl. “I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool — that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool (Pg 20).” This expression implies that Daisy reflects on her own experiences and believes that the world is no place for a woman. She understands that beauty is valued more than intelligence and how first impressions determine a person’s social standing in society. The best she can do is hope to survive by following the crowd and conforming to the perspectives of the upper class. Daisy later on decides to

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