
Examples Of Corruption In The Great Gatsby

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Truth Hidden In Details As a society, America has created certain ideas and stereotypes of each class including the citizens within them. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald focuses around the superficial communities of West and East Egg, and their misconceptions of one another. The citizens of East Egg, such as Daisy and Tom Buchanan, frown upon the up-and-coming men of West Egg. This includes Gatsby, who dreams of the riches they take for granted. Gatsby, who obtains his money through dishonest means appears villainous, unsuccessfully attempting to join the wealthy and elite society of East egg. However, there may be more to Gatsby's story. As Nick, the narrator, says he is “worth the whole damn bunch put together”(154). Through his descriptions and comparison of Tom’s house and Gatsby’s house, Fitzgerald reveals the true nature of the two men. While Gatsby appears to be morally corrupt, in the end he actually has pure intentions, instead it is Tom who emits negativity and is ungrateful for his life. Nick’s descriptions of the two houses depict a true representation of the person within. No matter how alike the houses are in size or style, Nick is able to identify the people inside with his word choices and honest perceptions. At the beginning Nick says East and West Egg were “identical in contour and separated only by a courtesy bay”, but the “more arresting phenomenon is their dissimilarity in every particular except shape and size”(5). The contrasting dynamic of

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