
Corvallis School Schedule

Decent Essays

When asked if the Corvallis school district should change their schedule to a full year schedule with each core class being in each quarter, there is immediate pros and cons that come to mind. Longer breaks, being done faster with a class, all sound intriguing but you have to really think it through and put yourself in all the students and faculty’s shoes and have to make the decision of, if the new schedule works for everyone. When you first hear about the schedule and look at its outline, it sounds pretty solid. More breaks, longer breaks, and the main idea of getting done with core classes faster. For a student, hearing that sounds pretty good. For example if a student doesn’t lie one of the core classes then they would only have to put up with it for one-quarter. …show more content…

A bunch of students at Corvallis come from farm and ranching houses. Their parents rely on having their child home to help with various chores. Whether it be for irrigating or helping with the crop or helping with the livestock. All of these are not a one person job, they all require help and most of the time the help is their kid. If there was a school schedule that went into the summer, the kids with parents who need their help would be left two options: try to do all the work by themselves, which takes money, or hire someone to help out, which takes money. In a town like Corvallis, Montana that schedule doesn’t work with a lot of people.
Students already have a tough time with school work. Some kids struggle a lot with certain subjects. Cramming in one full school year of work into only one-quarter could be awful to students. Looking at the school year that Corvallis has now, students cover lots of material throughout the year. Even then, there are times when the school work gets overloaded. Trying to fit all the material into only one-quarter isn’t a good

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