
Cost Of College Essay

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Looking back on my childhood, I realized a myriad of moments I wouldn't have given a second glance at that age. My thoughts usually tend to gravitate towards my grandparents, both of which were extremely smart, and whether it came to money, clothes, toys, or any other household object, they always put it to multiple uses. On one hand, I believed they were hoarders, but now that I'm able to look back on it, I realize that they caught the very end of the Great Depression, and that they were doing everything in their power to not relive those times. On the other hand, not everyone in my family has made smart decisions with money, so that large amount of advice accumulated over time..
My grandfather worked many odd jobs, and he always found …show more content…

In-state community colleges are usually the cheapest. Most community colleges offer two years of school, and that credit is able to transfer across any number of universities. Public school usually cost around nine-and-a-half thousand dollars for four years, while universities cost around thirty five thousand dollars (Tuition and Fees, 2017). Another fact to consider is the fact that community colleges allow scholarships and such to stack, so you could easily end up paying just a few hundred dollars for your education. Many students don't think that community colleges are worth their time and money, when in reality, they could be saving a …show more content…

Whether that metaphorical path is trade school or college, the choice you make will still send you along to achieve loftier goals than you could have originally hoped for. Schools are a gift to our generation, and those ideals and dreams shouldn't be corrupted by the ideal principles of wealth. That every penny to our name is somehow more idealistic than our metaphysical wealth, or our own personal pools of knowledge and scholarly wisdom. In layman's terms, school matters because education matters. While many don't believe, education is the key to bettering ourselves, and the key to bettering the

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