
College Textbooks: A Case Study

Decent Essays

With college textbooks on the rise, there is no wonder that college students are skipping out on buying books for classes or skipping certain classes altogether. The cost of college books has increased by three times the rate of inflation, about 1,041 percent. Colleges need to find a solution to textbook prices before it gets even more out of hand.
Over the last decade, the price of college textbooks has increased by 88 percent, over 25 percent more than the rise in cost of tuition and fees. The college board has estimated that an average college student will spend around 1,249 dollars for the 2015-16 school year on textbooks alone. The main individuals these prices are affecting are college students.
As students are faced with rising book costs, many won’t buy textbooks. The student public interest research groups are an organization which organizes college students to solve pressing public interest problems. A survey conducted by Student PIRG’s showed that 1,905 undergraduates on 13 different campuses, 2 and 4 year pubic colleges, 70 percent of the students decided to not buy the textbooks they needed for class because they were too expensive. Students struggle on …show more content…

Another 50 percent changed what classes they would take or they determined what classes they will take by the price of the textbook for that course. This is a major problem for students when they have to choose between good grades, or affording rent. The reason students go to college is for degree attainment and job preparation. If students can’t afford the books for their classes, especially for their specific degree, how will they set themselves up for success? Without the ability to set themselves up to be successful at a college level, how will they be able to set themselves up for a professional career

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