
Courtney Scott's Case Summary

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In an memorandum dated January 25, 2017 received via email by the Monitoring on January 27, 2017, Ms Livingston reported that Courtney Shaw came to the attention of the Child Development Agency in January 17, 2014 and deemed in need of care and protection after being physically abused by his older brother Don Boothe; who is said to be mentally unstable. Courtney was left in his brother’s care after the death of his mother. Mrs Livingston confirmed that, Courtney Shaw was born in New York City Borough of Bronx at the Weller Hospital in United States of America. Courtney was made subject of a Fit Person Order (FPO) on May 1, 2014. He was originally placed at the Strathmore Gardens Place of Safety and later transferred to Sunbeam boy’s Home. …show more content…

Livingston Courtney’s maternal aunt, Ms. Sharon Angella Jones has shown interest in child and would like to return to reside with her United States of America (USA); she noted that child’s travel documents would need to be updated to facilitate his relocation. Ms Livingston revealed that, Ms. Jones last visited Jamaica was in December, 2016 when she indicated that she is having serious difficulty with her attorneys in addressing Courtney’s situation, Ms. Jones returned to the USA on January 19, 2017. Mrs Livingston reported that Courtney was referred to Ms. Cherena Forbes on September 4, 2014 as he was displaying behavioural challenges; he was cruel to the younger boys, telling lies and had difficulty controlling his anger. Counselling sessions commenced on March 26, 2015 and ended December 9, 2015. According to Livingston, Ms. Cherena Forbes diagnosed in her discharge report that Courtney is experiencing a sense of rejection from family and had expressed an earnest desire to return to the United States of America. She noted that Courtney have been allowed to visit with his aunt whenever she visits

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