
Cowards In The Crucible

Decent Essays

During the Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy Trials many chose to praise and be submissive to those who were accusing, they who choose to submissively praise such evil are known as the cowards. A coward is “a person who lacks courage in facing danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, ect.” (The Definition of Coward 2016). Though times of persecution such as The Salem Witch Trials and the McCarthy Trials are intimidating, There are those who stood up to the accuser or accusers they are those who are courageous. Being courageous is “possessing or characterized by courage; brave:” ( Definition of Courageous 2016). In times of erratic persecution the cowards will be revealed but the courageous will be delivered.
It all starts with someone wanting …show more content…

Parris, Rumors are starting to spread of thing such as witchcraft. Abigail needs a scapegoat. Betty; Abigail’s younger cousin is scared of being caught so she pretends to be afflicted with something. After much chagos, Abigail and the other girls are alone with Betty, Betty wakes up but she begins to say everything that happened. “You drank blood, Abby! You didn't tell him that!” (Miller 19) ,Abigail denies doing any such thing. But Betty goes on,”You did, you did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!” (Miller 19) Abigail, infuriated threatens all the girls ” Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you.” ( Miller 19). Now this is when the cowards start to show. The girls are now wrapped around Abigail’s finger, there will is now her will. When it comes to the investigation by Rev. Hale, Abigail uses the rumors of witchcraft to her advantage, she says “ I never called him! Tituba, Tituba…” (Miller 42) She goes on to say “She makes me drink blood!” (Miller 43). By making it all look like Tituba’s doings, Abigail has avoided any persecution herself, but now she has became the ringleader of what will soon be erratic …show more content…

McCarthy started accusing if he had any reason to believe the one was a communist, or wanted to do way with such person. An example of one who was accused was Owen Lattimore. It is believed that because of Lattimore’s outspokenness and liberal views, as well as an acquaintance with Chiang Kai-Shek, Made him ideal for McCarthy’s anti-Communist Campaigns. Then in 1950 McCarthy accused Lattimore of being the Soviet’s number one spy, Lattimore was convicted of seven counts of perjury after 12 days of brutal questionnaire. Though the charges were dropped three years later, Lattimore’s reputation was destroyed with no chance of redemption. (Victims of McCarthyism 2016)
Now that mass chaos has been unleashed, there are some who will not put up with such nonsense. This is step four, the birth of the courageous. After John Proctors wife Goody Proctor was accused of being a witch, John had enough of this nonsense. John is one of the first to stand up and say something about it, “ You are a coward! Though you be ordained in God’s own tears, you are a coward now!” (Miller 79). John shows courage by pointing out the cowards, and by doing so he is starting the revolution that will put an end to this

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