Cowgirl Chocolates has come up with a unique spin to chocolate. You may have had milk chocolate, dark chocolate, even white chocolate, but I bet you’ve never tried spicy chocolate. The creator of cowgirl chocolate, Marilyn, has three basic form of her hot and spicy chocolate which are: individually wrapped truffles, chocolate bars, and a hot caramel sauce. Marilyn has had many offers to sell her chocolate but the problem each owner has had was the heat of the chocolate. Marilyn’s efforts to expand her company through retail markets had varying degrees of success. This is because she did a great job placing her products in her hometown of Moscow, Idaho. She also joined with the Moscow Food Coop, which was her single best wholesale customer.
The Cow Cavalry were small militia groups formed to protect the inner part of Florida. The small groups were made up of ranchers and cowhands. Union soldiers would hold raids to capture the cattle and the Navy union would conduct raids across the coast to destroy the salt works plants, and eventually capture or force the abandonment of Fort Myers. The whole point of the Cow Cavalry was to protect the cattle, salt works, and small towns in south Florida.
Cowboy mouth a unique and boisterous spirit rock and roll band group from New Orleans. These New Orleans native has played more than 2,500 concerts and their signature song was “Jenny Says.” They brought additional fierce firepower to the rock and roll industry. They love traveling on the road to many different locations across the world. Traveling to and from different places was the entertaining part for them. There are a few band members in the group. Fred Leblanc is the drummer and lead singer of the group, Matt Jones, John Griffin, Mary Lasseigne and Paul Sanchez are the guitarist and bass players.
Crazy Horse is apart of the Oglala Lakota tribe and is from Rapid City, SD. He lived from 1840 to 1877. Crazy Horse is most famous for “Battle of Little Bighorn” and resisting being put on a reservation. During this time he was constantly running and fighting. But, he surrendered eventually. Of course not by choice though.
“Can the Lady Bulldogs compete with the county establishment?” “Will they ever knock off league rivals Clifton, Wayne Valley or Wayne Hills.” “The Lady Dawgs are on the losing end of lopsided scorelines.” “They need to make a quantum leap to be known successfully.” “Shrinking those postseason margins will inch the program towards respectability.” These were all the main headlines on the North Jersey website about my team.
All great legends in history must be honored for their sacrifice and leadership that marks a path in recent history. This is why one of the most patriotic and legendary warriors of the Old West known as Crazy Horse is still considered a historical symbol. Crazy Horse was a true American Indian whose independent and fierce spirit during a battle aids as an example of how a leader ought to be. His journey is a celebration of his time and his legacy. Let us reminisce about this era and how Crazy Horse arose to be a fearless Lakota leader.
The mills of Lowell, Massachusetts changed the lives of young girls throughout. During the Industrial Revolution, young girls and women worked in mills to earn pay while men worked in factories. The conditions, schedules, wages, and lifestyle of a mill girl had its pros and cons. From different accounts and documents; some girls liked the style of a mill girl and others suffered. But through the pain a mill girl might have suffered, being a mill girl was beneficial. It had an economical, social, and technological affect during the Industrial Revolution.
Sitting Bull once quoted, “If I agree to dispose of any part of our land to the white people I would feel guilty of taking food away from our children's mouths, and I do not wish to be that mean” ( "Sitting Bull Quotes ). Sitting Bull was a kind and compassionate man that had admiration for the Lakota tribe and the tribe's land, and was also known to have led the Lakota tribe to safety during the many years of defiance against the new American policies. Recognized and admired by the Lakota tribe, Sitting Bull was one of the most famous Native American Chiefs who was known for his bravery to bring fair treatment to his people.
In 1831 an indian child was born, of the Sioux Nation and the Hunkpapa Tribe. His father, Sitting Bull, and mother, Her-holy-door, did not name him Sitting Bull, he was named Jumping Badger. He was never called Jumping Badger, he was called Slow because of his willful and deliberate ways.
Two weeks ago, Feminist Frequency launched a crowdfunding campaign for Ordinary Women, our new video series about incredible, defiant women throughout history, and we’re pleased to say that we’re on our way, having raised over $73,000 from more than 1,200 supporters so far. Your generosity and enthusiasm mean everything to us, especially in light of the pushback we get every time we speak up or speak at all.
Since the inception of a revolutionary spicy chocolate recipe, Marilyn Lysohir and Ross Coates have been striving to grow a profitable business in the chocolate industry. Each year Marilyn has loaned the company money to keep it running. Cowgirl Chocolates, primarily run by Marilyn, with help from family and art associates is branded based on the concept that chocolate
Saddle blanket; a blanket or pad is required under the Western saddle to provide comfort and protection for the horse.
The discovery of Uranus is quite interesting because it wasn’t something that people were expecting. The known planets at the time were Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Williams Herschel had a strong interest in astronomy. He was a firm believer that there was life out in the universe besides just on Earth. He was a very smart man who studied astronomy in unconventional ways. Other astronomers were interested in studying the positioning of stars and orbits. Herschel was searching for something. He went as far as building his own telescopes which turned out to be superior versions then what other astronomers used. He spent a lot of his nights looking through theses telescopes for signs of life out in space. This was
Some of the critical strengths of Cowgirl Chocolates that determine the success of this small business include product differentiation, quality, flexible return policy, and personalization. Cowgirl Chocolates is very modern creation since it meets the needs of a specific market of spicy and chocolate fans by combining both cayenne, a spice, and chocolate, a sweetener. The business also is known for using premium ingredients in all of the chocolates it offers. The business not only offers a flexible return
Edgar Allan Poe’s works contain many Gothic elements like fear, gloom, death, the supernatural, and horror, as well as several romantic characteristics, such as high emotions, nature and a focus on individuality. Through the use of these elements, Poe is able effectively enhance a reader’s emotions and produce sensations of mystery. The short stories “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Fall of the House of Usher” by Edgar Allan Poe contain many of these elements, and in this paper I will analyze why these are classified as Gothic stories.
Grass, hemp, wacky tabaccy, ganja, and many other names are what you might have heard as slang for marijuana. It is a cannabis plant that is most commonly used when the leaves are shredded and then hand rolled into cigarettes to be smoke. Many people see marijuana as a gateway drug, leading to other more hardcore drugs. Which is why it has been made illegal by the United States Federal Government in all 50 states. But some states have decided the federal government does not know what the people of their state do or do not need, so they have legalized marijuana for either just medical or recreational as well. This action by some states has lead to people wondering; does allowing a state to take action that opposes or violates federal law undermine the government’s authority? In order to reach an answer for this question we will need to look at both sides of the subject, the federal government and the states’.