
Crashed And Planted Analysis

Decent Essays

I think that the opportunity for Ha and her family to stay in Saigon is going to come more and more difficult and the author's word choice in the writings make us feel hopelessness and sadness.. For example, when “...the Communists crashed their tanks...planted a flag with one huge star.” (Lai 69) This really told the southern Vietnamese that this country no longer belonged to them but had been taken over. The words like “Crashed” and “Planted”really create an image of someone being a boss and taking control of a certain area. This has much in common of when the North Vietnamese invaded and took over the American Embassy. Additionally, when Brother Vu says ,”’s better than letting the communists have it.” (60) Ha’s family knows that this option is lesser of two evils and the phrase “better than letting the communists have it” really sets a tone that the communists are going to take everything that families have and this makes us feel sadness and sorrow for their family. Finally, when the “Kirks military mission was to shoot down and North Vietnamese planes...stop the U.S. Marine helicopter, that evacuated people…”(Shapiro Paragraph Page 2 …show more content…

2) This might represent how Ha’s family is having a hard time escaping Vietnamese and they might get “stopped” and how the North Vietnamese will try to “shoot down “ any opportunity they have to

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