
Creationism In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Or The Modern Prometheus

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Contrary to popular belief the name Frankenstein is not that of the monster, but of his creator Victor, and follows the atrocities of this young man’s harrowing existence. Written by Mary Shelley, “Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus” follows the life of Victor Frankenstein and his horrendous creation in a blend of mystery, science fiction, and romanticism. he novel opens not with that of Victor Frankenstein, but with a series of letters from an arctic explorer by the name of Robert Walton. These aforementioned letters establish Walton’s desiree's to find new passage routes, and instead discovers a very ill and frostbitten Victor Frankenstein on the edges of the North Pole. Frankenstein weaves the story of his life to that of his savior from his content childhood with his two younger brothers, cousin, father and mother; to the tragedy of his teenage years, his obsessive college experience, and finally the horror of his life then on. The novel is told in an odd manner, switching from the perspective of Frankenstein, to that of the monster, then returning to the sea captain Walton. Frankenstein’s life morphs into a web that only catches terribleness because his inability to be content with the life that he was given. The story of Shelley’s Frankenstein is at the core, one of creationism and the terrible results of animating life, through her characters, demonstrates how any creation outside of God's hands is something that is unearthly and wrong. Victor Frankenstein,

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