
Creative Story : A Short Story

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It was 8 o’clock in the evening on August 19th. New York City was alive with traffic lights and food vendors on the streets. The loud noise complemented the city life. But in the air, was the feeling of dreadfulness. Somewhere, sometime he will go missing. Andrew was standing all alone in a dark corner of the alley, feeling apprehensive. Day after day, he was feeling more aloof, more distant, more alone. Nobody seemed to care and he couldn’t bear it any longer. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. Slowly, he disconnected himself from the world… then he was gone. Miles away Sophia’s mother yelled from upstairs,“Kids, come on, the movie’s starting!”
“Coming, Mom!” The three girls came charging down, like a pack of hungry bulls, with popcorn flying everywhere.
“Jeez, could you guys make any more of a mess?” her mom complained. The girls ignored her and ran to the basement, where the loud movie was already playing. Everyone was deep into the movie until there was a loud knock on the door. Sophia’s mom sprang up to answer it and the girls continued on with their movie. The movie was about an anecdote of a young girl’s life and how her life was surrounded by a murder mystery. The three kids were already scared out of their wits even before Sophia’s mom came back into the room. As she turned the lights on, everyone screamed. But after a second, they saw the grief on the mom’s face and they all had compassion toward her. In her hand was Andrew’s bloody coat. There was silence. No

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