
Creative Writing: Empire Island

Decent Essays

The boat swayed with the subtle waves, slightly rocking the man into even deeper sleep. He laid on a salt encrusted bundle of yellow sheets. His gangly body was strewn across the small patch of fabric, his scruffy beard was streaked with the grey of a hard short life, his head lulled to the side, and his lips slightly open taking in deep slow breaths. James was the captain, and crew alike on his one manned ship, a ship so old your great grandfather probably sailed upon it when it was well past its prime years. The only sail was torn and tied together in most places, this made movement hard without manual labor. The small area below deck contained a mostly empty cabinet of stale food and few gallons of precious fresh water. A woven basket …show more content…

Laying on top of a small box containing a limited amount of tools sat an oak fishing pole-a prize possession of the sleeping sailor. The woodwork on the boat was weathered, the slightest brush against it, would leave you impaled with multiple small wooden shards. The deck itself was small and gave little room for supplies or movement. The ship could not handle much more then the slightest of waves, and because of that our salor here somehow managed to find a new home, but wait i'm getting ahead of myself, we simply must start at the beginning. A wave crashed into the ship, the calm ocean growing darker. The ship rocked and shuddered, moving farther and farther north, until the boat, containing a yet sleeping man, ran ashore. The front of the ship crashed onto the rocky beach, the wood instantly giving in and the ship breaking. The snapping of the wood and the jolting of the waves, finally awoke James. His wide blue eyes pressed open, and fear was evident on his face. Standing he walked up towards the mast, his body swaying and moving with the waves. He stumbled and fell over and over, the now broken and splintered boards cutting into his dirty skin. After one last harsh fall, he settled to the floor and brought his legs up to his chest, and waited the wind storm

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