
Creative Writing: The Birth Of My Daughter

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The Birth of my Daughter In the early morning of January 5th 2016, I awoke to my wife of six months, Scarlett, complaining of abdominal pain. I thought it was more pregnancy pains that she had experienced for the previous five months. Then, she told me that she believed they 89were contractions and she had been timing their intervals and we needed to get to the hospital. My initial thoughts were frantic; cs it's much too soon, it's two months early. After my initial worries were addressed in my mind, I began to run the logistics of getting to the hospital. We were in Straelen, a small village in northwest Germany with no reliable transportation, and Scarlett certaintly could not make the bike ride to the next town with a hospital. I went outside and began asking strangers to take me and my wife over to Geldern. No one would oblige my …show more content…

We spoke with her attending doctor and found that she had developed sepsis while in the womb, her lungs were underdeveloped, and she had an extra thumb, all of which were similar to my birth. We wound up staying at the hospital for thirty-three days tending to Svanja, learning her cries while she got stronger and the sepsis faded away. We prepared to go back home, we had our apartment as prepared as possible. The hospital called a free taxi for us and we put Svanja in a carseat for the first time. She felt so fragile I was hesitant to tighten the straps. After we got back to our apartment we slept in shifts to take care of her until it was time to go back to America. All in all, it was one of the most stressful times of my life, but also one of the happiest. Holding my infant daughter and realizing how fragile she is, and how it is my responsibility for her well being and protection had a profound impact on me and the way I think. It is what has inspired me to go to college so I can provide a better life for her when she is

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