
Creative Writing: The Great Bombing Raid

Decent Essays

"9.5 billion people killed during the initial start of the War of Nations,also known as "The Great Bombing Raid", over the next 4 year, millions more became sick with radiation poisoning and died while those that..." the history professor said as he droned on about how everything came about. Ariella let out of sigh of boredom tapping her pencil against the notebook in front of her. She had already read through the whole entire course book already learning that the war had created two separate races the "Ningen" and the "Senshi" which were enemies since the Senshi could shapeshift into certain animals and the Ningen couldn't. Becoming more bored by the second Ariella sketches the history professor standing in front of his chalk board. …show more content…

Everyone packed up their stuff and began to leave as Ariella walks up to the professor. "Ariella, I know that you have to take your team out for a routine scavenging and surveillance mission today, so I'll try and keep this short. You need to stop daydreaming and pay attention in class and take notes. I know that you're a smart kid because you ace all of your homework and tests I give you brats, but you are failing on the notes and that is really bringing your grade down."says the professor to Ariella. "I know Professor Ackerman..." being cut off suddenly by the professor "That's Professor Levi to you. You know how I hate to be called by my last name." interrupts professor Levi as he massages the bridge of his nose in frustration "Right, sorry Professor Levi It's just hard to stay focused in here listening to someone talk about something rather than being out there exploring it first hand." replies Ariella in a exhausted voice. " I know it is, but can you do it for me brat" professor Levi tells Ariella as he brushes her hair out of her eyes and looks into the deep blue eyes staring back at him. "Yeah, I guess." she says before walking towards the door. "Oh, and Ariella keep your asses safe out there brat, I don't need other brats, like you, going out there to save your scrawny asses"professor Levi tells Ariella as she walks out into the harsh

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