
Creative Writing: Waking Up

Decent Essays

Waking up, it was the first time in months I haven't had a dream or memory. It made me nervous, but I shrugged it off. Boston. He was the one person on my mind. So many questions and yet no answers. Rolling over it was 2:13am so not too bad. Sliding out of bed I felt ready. I made the perfect outfit to match my escape. A black leather jacket and dark blue jeans paired with my famous black Nikes. My chocolate hair was in a long french braid dipped over my shoulder and I wore a little bit of make up, mascara, black eye shadow, and a light nude lip gloss. My baby Red was waiting outside and she was ready for an adventure. The second step was to pack. Bringing out a small black nike bag, I got out a couple t-shirts and pants. Throwing in a pair …show more content…

No one. I noticed a field on the other side of the road. After crossing the street I see a black lump in the shape of a person lying in the middle. Ignoring my own pain I rush over to the person, but right as I'm about place a hand on him or her, they sink into the ground. With tears in my eyes, I'm on my knees looking frantically at where the person just was. Closing my eyes I focus and pushed my sense out far. I could feeling a bad aura standing about 30 feet away in the field and I looked up and opened my eyes. Feeling hatred, I stood and looked at the demon. It was the same one. Taking a few deep breaths, I started to sprint forward when I stopped dead in my tracks. Two more appeared and were standing next to their master. I didn't deal with demons often. Surely I could take one of them, but three simultaneously. I didn't stand a chance. I did the one thing I promised myself I wouldn't do. I ran. I wished for my dagger and I felt it in the hitch at my side. Grabbing it I relied on my angel speed to keep me ahead of these demons. I wasn't sure where I was going but anywhere away from them was good enough. Figuring I could get to the street I could see it coming close but I dug my heels in when one of the demons appeared in front of

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